Douglas Kelly
Dr. Douglas F. Kelly is professor of theology emeritus at Reformed Theological Seminary. He is author of several books, including Creation and Change.
- HardcoverCreation and ChangeDouglas Kelly$30.00$24.00
- 5MINCreator and CreatureDouglas Kelly
- 6MINThe Binding of SatanDouglas Kelly
- 3MINThe Value of ConfessionsDouglas Kelly
- 6MINThe Unshakable Purposes of GodDouglas Kelly
- 3MINBedtime StoriesDouglas Kelly
- 4MINLiving by the Royal LawDouglas Kelly
- 3MINThings That Cannot Be ShakenDouglas Kelly
- 6MINOrdained by GodDouglas Kelly
- 4MINPartakers of HolinessDouglas Kelly
- 4MINThe Wisdom of FaithDouglas Kelly
- 4MINThe Blood of the CovenantDouglas Kelly
- 4MINBefore the Throne of GodDouglas Kelly
- 3MINThe True TabernacleDouglas Kelly
- 3MINJustified by Faith, Perfected by HopeDouglas Kelly
- Perseverance of the SaintsDouglas Kelly
- 3MINGod's Rest for God's PeopleDouglas Kelly
- 3MINThe Only RedeemerDouglas Kelly
- 3MINThe Final Word of GodDouglas Kelly
- 6MINThe Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man …Douglas Kelly
- PaperbackThe Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern EnglishDouglas Kelly$5.00$4.00