Our expansive library of podcasts brings the truth of God directly to your devices. Follow on your favorite podcast app to take this trusted teaching with you.

Renewing Your Mind
God calls His people to be transformed by the renewing of their minds, and thinking God’s thoughts after Him is a daily pursuit. Listen each day to trustworthy biblical and theological teaching that can equip you for the Christian life.

5 Minutes in Church History
Travel back in time with Stephen Nichols to look at the people, events, and places that have shaped the story of Christianity. This podcast offers an accessible glimpse into how God has worked in the church and how this can encourage us today.

Things Unseen
Monday through Friday, this devotional podcast features thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Sinclair Ferguson follows a theme each week to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal.

Ask Ligonier Podcast
Are you looking for answers to your questions about the Bible or theology? Nathan W. Bingham submits questions from listeners like you to one of Ligonier Ministries’ featured teachers or a special guest.

Ultimately with R.C. Sproul
Drawn from a lifetime of Bible study, these moments of insight from R.C. Sproul can help you understand what you believe and why you believe it. Each brief episode is filled with theological wisdom to help you set your mind on what matters most.

Open Book
This podcast is about the power of books and the people they’ve shaped. Stephen Nichols joins R.C. Sproul and other teachers in their personal libraries to discover the books that have left a mark on these men and their ministries.

Simply Put
Have you ever wished that someone would explain theology in a way that doesn’t require a degree or a dictionary? Every week, Barry Cooper sheds light on a different biblical or theological term, using helpful illustrations to apply it to your life.

Luther: In Real Time
Released 500 years after the events described, this podcast lets you walk in Martin Luther’s footsteps at the dawn of the Reformation. Hear, in Luther’s own words, what Protestants are protesting and why it still matters today.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism
Spiritual growth depends on a healthy diet of biblical truth. This podcast features Sinclair Ferguson reading each question and answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, helping you pursue your chief end to glorify and enjoy God forever.

Renovando Tu Mente
This weekly podcast brings the trusted teaching of Renewing Your Mind to a Spanish-speaking audience. Hear accessible, in-depth instruction in the life-changing truths of historic Christianity.

5 Minutos en la Historia de la Iglesia
The Spanish edition of 5 Minutes in Church History guides even more Christians through our family story. Share this podcast with your Spanish-speaking friends to help them see God’s faithfulness to His people in weekly five-minute bites.