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Things Unseen
Monday through Friday, this devotional podcast features thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Sinclair Ferguson follows a theme each week to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal.
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Sinclair Ferguson

Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow, vice-chairman of Ligonier Ministries, and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary. He is featured teacher for several Ligonier teaching series, including Union with Christ. He is author of many books, including The Whole Christ, Maturity, and Devoted to God's Church. Dr. Ferguson is also host of the podcast Things Unseen.

Ligonier’s Growing Family of Podcasts
eleven Podcasts. Thousands of Episodes.
  • Renewing Your Mind
  • 5 Minutes in Church History
  • Things Unseen
  • Ask Ligonier Podcast
  • Ultimately with R.C. Sproul
  • Open Book
  • Simply Put
  • Luther: In Real Time
  • The Westminster Shorter Catechism
  • Renovando Tu Mente
  • 5 Minutos en la Historia de la Iglesia