Nicholas Needham
Dr. Nicholas Needham is minister of Inverness Reformed Baptist Church in Inverness, Scotland, and lecturer in church history at Highland Theological College in Dingwall, Scotland. He is author of the multivolume work 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power.
- 3MINWhat Is the Bondage of the Will?Nicholas Needham
- 3MINWhat Should Protestants Know about the Early Church Fathers?Nicholas Needham
- MagazineMay 2023 Tabletalk+6Burk Parsons & 13 others$3.00
- 11MINOverview of the Seventeenth CenturyNicholas Needham
- Hardcover2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Volume 1Nicholas Needham$30.00$24.00
- Hardcover2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Volume 4Nicholas Needham$30.00$24.00
- Hardcover2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Volume 2Nicholas Needham$30.00$24.00
- Hardcover2,000 Years of Christ's Power, Volume 3Nicholas Needham$30.00$24.00
- 10MINA Century of ChangeNicholas Needham
- 12MINThe Fifteenth CenturyNicholas Needham
- 9MINThe Fourteenth CenturyNicholas Needham
- 12MINThe 13th CenturyNicholas Needham
- Paperback2000 Years of Christ's PowerNicholas Needham$26.00$20.80
- 9MINThe Twelfth CenturyNicholas Needham
- 6MINSeparation of Church and StateNicholas Needham
- 6MINRevival & Repentance: From Cluny to SimeonNicholas Needham
- 6MINA Western RenaissanceNicholas Needham
- 6MINThe Lone MonkNicholas Needham
- 6MINThe Definition of OrthodoxyNicholas Needham
- 6MINTruly God, Truly Man: The Council of ChalcedonNicholas Needham
- 5MINObedient Unto DeathNicholas Needham