5 Recommended Resources on Spiritual Warfare

When it comes to the spiritual forces of evil, believers can err in one of two directions. Some may ascribe too much to the devil, while others fail to recognize the reality of his influence and work. How can Christians avoid both of these erroneous extremes and develop a truly biblical view of Satan, one that allows us to soberly understand and identify his schemes while confidently trusting in the power of God? The following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, can assist you toward that end.
Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
This accessible work by one of the most well-known Puritan authors is a classic treatment of how the devil attempts to deceive and ensnare Christians. Brooks outlines the many subtle ways that the devil tries to entice us before offering particular ways we can resist each of his strategies. This work is a must-read for those who want to better understand how the enemy of our souls seeks to lead us astray and the means we have in the gospel to resist his schemes.
Fighting Satan: Knowing His Weaknesses, Strategies, and Defeat by Joel R. Beeke
In this book, Dr. Joel R. Beeke provides an overview of the Bible’s teaching on Satan and his goals and methods while giving sober, practical advice for how we can fight his deception. It is an excellent treatment of spiritual warfare in which every believer is engaged.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The devil is crafty, often using subtle means to lead us into ways of living at odds with the teaching of Scripture. This beloved work uncovers many of those means while also helping us see how certain ways of living are contrary to the gospel.
Not against Flesh and Blood by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Although Christ has dealt the decisive blow to defeat the devil, our enemy fights on against our Lord and His people until Jesus returns to consummate His kingdom. This book reminds us of the threat Satan still poses to us and offers guidance in addressing his schemes.
The Spirit and the Church by John Owen
Satan remains a threat to the church, but we know that the devil will not prevail, for the Holy Spirit is present to strengthen us against all of His and our enemies. This book explores the Spirit’s powerful work among God’s people.
This article is part of the Recommended Resources collection.
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Karrie Hahn
Karrie Hahn is associate editor for Ligonier Ministries and a certified biblical counselor. She is contributor to Women Counseling Women: Biblical Answers to Life’s Difficult Problems.
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