Always Ready: Sanford 2024 Conference
In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul presents the gospel to pagans in Athens, using areas of common ground to lead his audience to an understanding of the true and living God. In this message from Always Ready, Ligonier’s apologetics conference for middle and high school students, Dr. Stephen Nichols explores concepts including the self-existence of God as well as His attributes, including His goodness, sovereignty, and holiness.
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Stephen Nichols
Dr. Burk Parsons is senior pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., chief editorial officer for Ligonier Ministries, executive editor of Tabletalk magazine, and a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow. He is author of Why Do We Have Creeds?, editor of Assured by God and John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology, and cotranslator and coeditor of A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin.
Knowing God
Resources about defending the faith, including: false teaching, truth, opposing worldviews, and world religions.