Blessed in Christ: Detroit 2021 Conference
A questions and answers session with Drs. W. Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, and Derek Thomas.
Did Jesus Christ have the ability to sin while on earth? (0:52)
How can I transform my faith from obeying God because I have to, to obeying Him because I want to and because I love God? (5:16)
How can the average Christian “serve the Lord”? (9:23)
Does Jesus need to be our Lord as well as our Savior if we are to be saved? (12:13)
What should discipline look like in the local church? (14:52)
Since God does not change, how did He become a man in the incarnation? (24:20)
What is the eternal fate of all the tribes who have never heard the gospel? If they are damned without Christ, is God unfair? (28:18)
What does it truly mean to have free will? (37:17)
Is the assurance of our salvation found in our faith or in our works? (41:58)
Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.