More Than Conquerors: 2020 Dallas-Fort Worth Conference
A questions and answers session with H.B. Charles Jr. and Derek Thomas.
Should we hide the doctrines of grace when speaking to the lost about Jesus? (0:00)
How can my family grow in spiritual-mindedness? (3:18)
How would you respond to a college student who asks, “If God exists, why doesn’t He make Himself more visible?” (6:30)
How do we have godly sorrow over sin without condemning ourselves and neglecting God’s grace? (8:05)
Can you explain what it means to be “in Christ?” (10:18)
Does Romans 7 describe a Jew living under the law or a believer’s struggle with sin? (14:39)
Am I not elect because I don’t know the moment I was born again? (18:50)
How long can someone say “I’m a baby Christian” before it’s legitimate to question their salvation? (23:34)
Since we’re justified by faith alone, how should we understand Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23–24? (26:47)
Since no one seeks after God, why do so many unconverted people come to church? (29:25)
How can total depravity be true when many people act morally and do good things? (35:46)
Should you consider leaving a church that is hostile to the doctrines of grace? (37:58)
What advice would you give to a new pastor in his first year of ministry? (38:34)
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H.B. Charles Jr.
Dr. H.B. Charles Jr. is pastor-teacher of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. He is author of several books, including It Happens After Prayer: Biblical Motivation for Believing Prayer, On Preaching: Personal and Pastoral Insights for the Preparation and Practice of Preaching, and On Pastoring: A Short Guide to Living, Leading, and Ministering as a Pastor. He is host of The On Preaching Podcast.