No Compromise: 2013 National Conference

Alistair Begg
Sinclair Ferguson
R.C. Sproul
Cal Thomas
Questions & Answers #1

Drs. Alistair Begg, Anthony Carter, and R.C. Sproul answer questions on a variety of topics, including the difference between justification and salvation by grace; the distinction between truths revealed in Scripture and those that come to light through science, and baptism.

The questions answered in this session are:

1. What is your opinion on the invitation, "Invite Jesus into your heart?" Is this a true proclamation of the gospel?

2. What is the difference between justification by faith and salvation by grace?

3. How do we make distinctions between truth revealed in scripture and truth revealed through the sciences?

4. If we have one God, one Bible, one Holy Spirit, why are we as Christians so different?

5. How should we respond when other Christians bring up the errors of Luther and Calvin?

6.Why is God angry and wrathful toward those He never predestined to salvation?

7. Are Roman Catholics going to hell?

8. Since justification is by faith alone, what are we to make of Paul's declarations that we must all "give and account"?

9. How do I speak the truth to my child, a professing believer, who is living in a homosexual lifestyle?

10. As a pastor of a church which is given to seeker sensitive gimmicks and entertainment, do I stay or seek a pastorate elsewhere?

11. Should baptism be a reason to impede fellowship?

12. What is your view of what heaven and the new earth will be like?

Note: This Questions and Answers session is made available for historical archival purposes only. Further, answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.

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Alistair Begg

Dr. Alistair Begg is senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, where he has served since 1983. He is also host of the radio program Truth for Life. He is author of several books, including Brave by Faith, The Hand of God, and Name above All Names with Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.