Christian LivingChristian Living\Church and MinistryChurch and Ministry\Pastoral MinistryPastoral Ministry
Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2004 Pastors Conference

1. The Eclipse of God

2. Target Audience

3. Narrative Preaching

4. Expository Preaching

5. Questions and Answers #1

6. Round-Table Discussions #1

7. God-Centered Worship Services

8. God-Centered Music

9. Surely God is in this Place

10. Questions and Answers #2

11. Round-Table Discussions #2

12. God-Centered Evangelism

13. God-Centered Adult Education

14. God-Centered Mercy Ministry

15. Questions and Answers #3

16. Vespers

17. A Simple Way to Pray

Expository Preaching
What is expository preaching, and do we really need it in our churches today? There are many preaching styles and methods to choose from, but is there a method which will ensure that the whole counsel of God is preached and the sheep are fed? In this message, Dr. Mark Dever considers this as he looks at “Expository Preaching.”
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Mark Dever
Dr. Mark Dever is senior minister of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and is an author and speaker for 9Marks, a ministry concerned with biblical church reform.