God has ordained the preaching of His Word, prayer, and the sacraments as the means by which He sanctifies people's lives. There is no substitute for the Scriptures if we want to know and please God. Unfortunately, the church today is dethroning God and the power of His Gospel for alternatives and counterfeits.
In this series of lectures from Ligonier Ministries' 2007 Pastors Conference, Drs. R.C. Sproul and Joel Beeke strive to remind pastors that preaching God's Word faithfully ought to be their primary mission. This conference seeks to provide biblical guidance for overcoming the eclipse of God in the life of the church.
Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.
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Joel Beeke
Dr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Mich., and editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books. He is author of numerous books, including Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism and Reformed Systematic Theology.