Right Now Counts Forever: 2021 National Conference

Burk Parsons
Stephen Nichols
John Tweeddale
Benjamin Shaw
W. Robert Godfrey
Nathan W. Bingham
Joel Kim
Ken Mbugua
Questions & Answers with Kim, MacArthur, and Nichols

A questions and answers session with Joel Kim, John MacArthur, and Stephen Nichols.


  1. Can you briefly explain the tenets of Reformed theology? (3:50)

  2. Does Reformed theology continue to reform? (9:29)

  3. In what way are we made in the image of God? (12:21)

  4. Do you need to have knowledge of the gospel to be saved? Can people with intellectual disabilities be saved? (17:32)

  5. Can people affect when they or others are regenerated? (24:15)

  6. What is cessationism? (27:51)

  7. How open should pastors and church leaders be about their own sin? (31:06)

  8. What does discipleship practically look like in the local church? (37:00)

  9. What does it mean for the gospel to go to all the nations? Does it involve the propagation of Reformed theology or a simple call to repentance? (42:08)

Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.

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Joel Kim

Rev. Joel E. Kim is president and assistant professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California. He is author of Romans: Nothing But Grace.

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