So Great a Salvation: 2015 Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College

Stephen Nichols
John MacArthur
Nathan Busenitz
R.C. Sproul
Questions and Answers

A Questions and Answers session with Drs. Nathan Busenitz, John MacArthur, Stephen Nichols, and R.C. Sproul.


  1. What are some tips for showing mercy and grace when introducing the doctrines of grace into a church? (00:08)

  2. Dr. Busenitz, can you comment on the pastoral preparation needed? (07:39)

  3. Since God foreordains everything, did He ordain Satan and the fall? (09:03)

  4. In regards to Romans 8:29, why is "foreknew" presented with predestination? (14:41)

  5. Are we saved by Jesus' life, death, or both? (19:10)

  6. How can we explain the law and preach the gospel today? (21:10)

  7. Dr. Sproul, can you explain the law and the gospel in the design of Saint Andrew's architecture? (25:11)

  8. Is there a minimum level of evidence to know you are saved? (28:05)

  9. Can you identify a figure from church history that has impacted your ministry and theological formation? (33:45)

  10. Since God is love and love does not seek its own, how do we reconcile that with God doing everything for His own pleasure? (41:06)

  11. How should the church be preparing pastors to minister to the next generation? (45:02)

  12. How should we take passages that seemingly show that God has changing emotions? (48:12)

  13. What is the one statement you would leave on your tombstone? (52:03)

Note: Answers given reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Here is our Statement of Faith.

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Nathan Busenitz

Dr. Nathan Busenitz is dean of faculty and associate professor of theology at The Master's Seminary in Sun Valley, Cailf. He serves on the pastoral staff at Grace Community Church and is author of several books, including Long before Luther.

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