The Gift of Life with Family
"Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil."
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), the great early American statesman, was by no means a believer in Christ, and yet he had great insight that has benefitted many people. Franklin once said that "lost time is never found again," a pithy way of saying that we should make the most of the moments that we do have, for once the present is gone, it is gone forever.
Divorced from divine revelation, the notion that we should make the most of the short time that we have on this earth can inspire wanton hedonism. In light of what God has spoken in His Word, however, we find that the brevity of life can be a proper encouragement to enjoy the gifts He has given us. That is essentially the point of today's passage. Ecclesiastes 9:9 calls us to act in a certain way all the days of this "vain life." Here, as is often the case in the book of Ecclesiastes, "vain" refers not to something that is com- pletely empty or pointless; rather, it is being used as a synonym for "fleeting." The point of the Preacher who wrote the book is that despite the brevity of life on this side of glory, we are to find godly enjoyment where our Creator has given it. We are to be aware that our days are numbered, but instead of lamenting this fact, we are to see this brief span allotted to us as an opportunity to rejoice in God's generosity. Among the most precious gifts of our generous Maker is a godly spouse, and we are not to take any of the time that we have with our husbands or wives for granted. "House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord" (Prov. 19:14), and God's good gifts should never be despised. Yet how often do we despise the precious blessing of a godly husband or wife by not taking the opportunity to enjoy the company of the one whom the Lord has given to walk with us through the trials and joys of this present life?
By extension, we could apply this instruction to the rest of our families. Though we would never want to make our families into idols, it is nevertheless true that God wants us to enjoy our children, our grandchildren, and all of the loved ones with whom He has blessed us. Our time with them is short indeed. Parents well know that all they have to do is blink and their children are grown and gone. Our portion in this life under the sun, as Ecclesiastes 9:9 tells us, is to thank our Creator for this time with our families, and to do so by enjoying our lives with them while we can. Every day that passes is one that cannot be recovered.
Coram Deo
The proper enjoyment of time with our spouses and families actually points us to our Creator. As we take the time to enjoy our loved ones, we are reminded that they are precious gifts from God and that He is a kind and generous Lord who grants us many blessings to ease the pain of life in this fallen world. Let us make the most of our time with our families, knowing that God has given them to point us to Him.
For Further Study
Marriage and Family
Resources about God’s plan for human relationships and identity, including: children, divorce and remarriage, husbands and fathers, marriage, men, parenting, wives and mothers, and women.