January 29, 2015

Opposing the Lord's Annointed

Psalm 2:1–6
Psalm 2:1–6

"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers takecounsel together, against the LORDŽ‘’ and against his Anointed" (v. 2).

One does not have to read very far into the book of Psalms before it becomes clear thatthe Davidic king is a special focus of the Psalter. In fact, the Davidic emphasis is evidentas early as Psalm 2, which looks at the opposition to the king in Israel. It is also oneof the most frequently cited psalms in the New Testament.

The reference to the Lord's "Anointed" in Psalm 2:2 indicates that this hymn is aboutthe king. Under the old covenant, prophets, priests, and kings were set apart throughanointing with oil (Lev. 8:10-13; 1 Sam. 16:1-13; 1 Kings 19:16). Over time, however, thedesignation Anointed came to apply specifically to the Davidic king and, particularly, theMessiah. The English term Christ comes from the Greek word christos, which is itself atranslation of the Hebrew word that means "anointed." Thus, it is no surprise that theNew Testament Apostles, as well as Christians throughout history, have seen Psalm 2 ashaving special reference to Jesus Christ.

As noted, Psalm 2 concerns opposition to the Lord and the Davidic king, but note thatthe psalmist does not seem alarmed by the king's foes. He says that their plotting is "invain" (v. 1). The enemies make a lot of noise, but they cannot finally achieve their ends.There is a close association between opposition to the Lord and opposition to the king Hehas anointed (v. 2). In ancient Israel, the king ruled as the God-appointed steward of thecovenant community, so it was impossible to submit to God without submitting to the king.Certainly, the submission encouraged in Psalm 2 assumes that the king is fulfilling hisresponsibilities to know and keep the law of the Lord (Deut. 17:14-20). Ancient Israeliteswere never justified in sinning just because the king might have told them to break God'slaw. In any case, in enjoining submission to the Lord and His anointed one, the psalmfostered hope in the ancient Israelites for the king—the perfect Anointed One—to whomunquestioning allegiance could be sworn because he would never deviate from God's law.

Today we know this promised Anointed One as the Lord Jesus Christ. It is impossibleto submit to God without submitting to Him as Lord and Savior, for the Father has madeHim Lord and Christ, bestowing upon Him the name above all names (Acts 2:36; Phil.2:5-11). John Calvin comments, "All who do not submit themselves to the authority ofChrist make war against God. . . . It is in vain for them to profess otherwise."

Coram Deo

The Westminster Shorter Catechism says that Christ executes the office ofking by "subduing us to himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restrainingand conquering all his and our enemies" (Q&A 26). All who oppose this workdo so in vain. He will conquer the hearts of His elect, drawing them all toHimself. He will defeat His enemies and ours. He is the mighty King and Lordof all, and we need not fear anything if we are in Him.

For Further Study