Deserted Island with Lee Webb: A Pilgrim, a Puritan, and a Prisoner of War

Have you ever read a book so compelling that it felt impossible to put down? Today, Dr. Stephen Nichols invites the retired host of the Renewing Your Mind podcast, Lee Webb, to talk about several of his favorite books.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: Welcome back to another episode of 5 Minutes in Church History. On this episode, we are finishing the conversation we started last week, sending Lee Webb to a deserted island with his top five books.
We were right in the middle of book number three, John Bunyan’s, Pilgrim’s Progress. And Lee, you were going to tell us what is your favorite part of the book.
Lee Webb: Well, I was thinking about you when I was considering this book. Because I think my favorite part of this book is probably your favorite part because I’ve heard you reference it before. And that’s when Christian and Faithful are making their way through Vanity Fair.
And remember that that portion where Bunyan says, “But that which did not a little amuse the merchandisers was that these pilgrims set very light by all their ways. They cared not so much as to look upon them, and if they called upon them to buy, they would put their fingers in their ears and cry, ‘Turn away my eyes, from beholding vanity,’ and look upwards, signifying that their trade and traffic was in heaven.”
“One of the merchandisers chanced mockingly, beholding the carriages of the men to say unto them, ‘What will you buy?’ But they, looking gravely upon him said, ‘We buy the truth.’”
Dr. Stephen Nichols: I so love that line, Lee. I mean, you can picture it in your head, right?
Lee Webb: Yeah.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: I always think about this, Lee. This is the 17th century, he’s writing this in. How much more is our world Vanity Fair?
Lee Webb: Oh my goodness. That’s exactly what I was thinking, Steve. That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: Well, such a rich book. So many vivid episodes in that book. You’ll enjoy it. What’s number four for you, Lee?
Lee Webb: Well, it would be a classic work by Thomas Watson, A Body of Divinity.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: Yes.
Lee Webb: I do remember that Dr. Sproul did a series of lectures on Wednesday evenings at St. Andrew’s Chapel some years ago, and that was such a rich time. He would stand there in the pulpit, and it was more of a casual setting than our worships are. More teaching.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: More casual teaching, right.
Lee Webb: More teaching.
And he had a great deal of respect for Watson and this particular book. I know that just last week you were speaking at a conference for Ligonier in California, and your topic was providence. And I love Watson’s treatment of providence in this commentary on the Westminster Shorter catechism.
He writes, “Does any affliction befall you? Remember, God sees it that which is fit for you, or it would not come. Your clothes cannot be so fit for you as your crosses. God’s providence may sometimes be secret, but it is always wise.”
Dr. Stephen Nichols: Well, I hope you don’t have many afflictions on your deserted island, Lee. But you’ll have Watson’s good theological council.
Lee Webb: Absolutely.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: If you do. And that brings us to your fifth book, Lee.
Lee Webb: Well, there are books we’ve all read where we’ve said, “I just couldn’t put it down.” And for me, that book is a biography of Louis Zamperini by Laura Hillenbrand. It’s called Unbroken. I literally could not put that book down.
And I would be reminded, as I bring it on this deserted island, that as lonely and as challenging as it might be on this deserted island, it could not compare to the challenges and the pain and suffering that Louis Zamperini experienced on that raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for 47 days, and in that prisoner of war camp for those years in Japan where he was tortured to the point of death.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: And then he is converted at the Billy Graham crusade.
Lee Webb: Exactly.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: In Los Angeles.
Lee Webb: Right. He returns from the war, he’s freed from that POW camp. Becomes an alcoholic. But then by God’s providence, hears Billy Graham preach the gospel at a crusade there in Los Angeles, and is converted.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: Well, it’s a fascinating story. She’s a great writer, and you will have a good book there while you’re on your deserted island.
Well, Lee, this has been such a treat for us. And honestly, I can think of no better way for you to start your retirement than to send you to this deserted island. We’ve got a chopper outside, I know your bags are packed. You’ve got the books in-hand.
Lee Webb: I’ve got the books, yes.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: So, we’re going to send you on your way to the deserted island. Thanks for your time with us.
Lee Webb: Thank you, Steve.
Dr. Stephen Nichols: We've been listening to a conversation with Lee Webb about his five books for his Deserted Island experience. And I'm Steve Nichols, and thanks for listening to 5 Minutes in Church History.
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