What I Want for Christmas: Influential Books

What’s on your wish list this year? Today, Stephen Nichols continues sharing books that have shaped his life, suggesting five books from church history that offer a glimpse into the rich theological heritage that has shaped the church.
Welcome back to another episode of 5 Minutes in Church History. Last week I was sharing with you my Christmas list, which really is books I already own, but just offering some suggestions as Christmas is just around the corner. And who doesn't want to get a book for Christmas? Well, we had talked about five books from literature, and we had talked about five books from church history, and I think I was getting to my very last book when we got to the end of that episode. So here it is. It is entitled For the Glory: Eric Liddell's Journey from Olympic Champion to Modern Martyr. It is by Duncan Hamilton. We all know the story, and it was just this past summer that we had the Paris Olympics of 2024. Well, go back a hundred years in the Paris Olympics of 1924 when Eric Liddell took gold in the 400 to a watching world. But this book chronicles the story because what happens off the track is even more fascinating, and if Eric Liddell were with us, he would say is far, far more important. It chronicles his life as a missionary in China. Liddell was actually born in China and he died in China, and his heart was for China. So great biography. Pick it up, and you’ll enjoy it.
Well, we have one more category. We had books from literature, church history books, and now we have five books from figures in church history. First up is Augustine's Letters, and this is a little bit of a top shelf book. The edition I have is published by Harvard University Press. It is what is considered in the Loeb Classical Library. There's hundreds of these books covering both Latin and Greek texts. And the interesting thing about books from the Loeb Library is they're all sort of pocket size. And on one page they have the original, so if it's Greek, it's Greek, for Augustine's case, it's Latin, and then on the next page is the English translation. These aren't all of Augustine's letters by any stretch, but it's one volume that pulls together many of his letters. And it's just a great way to get into the life of Augustine. And here's a tip, when J. Gresham Machen got a new coat, either a suit coat or overcoat, he would always have the tailor sew an inner pocket that would fit a Loeb Classical Library book. And whenever he went out, he would always stick one in his pocket because you never know when a spare moment would present itself and he'd have a book on hand.
Well, the second book from church history is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together: A Discussion of Christian Fellowship. This book chronicles Bonhoeffer's time in the Underground seminary at Finkenwalde. And after it was shut down by the Gestapo, Bonhoeffer wrote this book, and shortly thereafter, he was himself taken a prisoner by the Nazis. So, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together. Wonderful book about our life in community, our life in Christ in community.
Let's go back to the Reformation for this next one. It's actually one of my favorite Calvin Books. It's a pretty thin volume. The volume I have is a nice hardback published by Banner of Truth Trust, and it is John Calvin Sermons on the Beatitudes. And they're just very delightful sermons. Very warm, very pastoral, very Calvin.
Well, you know I'm going to mention Jonathan Edwards, and my favorite book of his is his History of the Work of Redemption. Of course, before it was a treatise, these were sermons, 30 sermons in all, and it was preached in 1739, but it was published posthumously. It's just such a wonderful discussion of biblical history, but also pushing past biblical history and answers the question, what is God doing in the world? And even brings it home to what is God doing in my life? So, Jonathan Edwards.
Last of my 15 books on my Christmas list is a bit of a challenging read, but well worth it, The Doctrine of Justification by the great Scottish divine, James Buchanan. And this edition published by The Banner of Truth Trust. Well, there you go, 15 books that you might want to put on your Christmas list this year. And I'm Steve Nichols, and thanks for listening to 5 Minutes in Church History.
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