Ask Ligonier Podcast Episodes
Are you looking for answers to your questions about the Bible or theology? Nathan W. Bingham submits questions from listeners like you to one of Ligonier Ministries’ featured teachers or a special guest.

What Is the Difference between the “Begetting” of the Son and the “Procession” of the Spirit?
February 6, 2025 The TrinityHow do the three persons of the Trinity relate to one another? Today, Michael Reeves reflects on the relationship between God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how this shapes our understanding of the gospel.
When Does Glorification Happen—at Our Death or at Christ’s Return?
January 23, 2025 GlorificationWhat is glorification? At what point does God make His redeemed people incorruptible? Today, Ken Jones explains the meaning of glorification and the ultimate hope Christians have as they await Christ’s return.
I Wish I Had Become a Christian Sooner. How Can I Deal with This Feeling?
January 9, 2025 The Providence of GodHave you ever felt regret for not becoming a Christian sooner? Today, Derek Thomas shares his personal testimony and reminds us of God’s perfect timing in bringing His people to Himself.
Does God Vindicate Himself by Bringing Direct Consequences for Sin?
December 26, 2024 The Nature of GodDoes Goes bring direct consequences for sin to vindicate Himself in this world? Today, Joel Kim explores how Scripture addresses God’s justice and His loving discipline toward His people.
Why Is the Atonement Necessary, Since God Foreordained Who Would Be Elect?
December 12, 2024 Unconditional ElectionWhy did Christ need to die, since God has already chosen who will be saved? Today, Ken Jones explains why Christ’s sacrifice was necessary for our salvation in fulfillment of the sovereign purpose of God.
Should We Use Analogies to Describe the Trinity?
November 28, 2024 The TrinityIn Christian circles, analogies are often used to describe the Trinity. But are they accurate? Today, Michael Reeves examines how Scripture challenges and deepens our understanding of our triune God.
Since Revelation Mentions the 12 Tribes of Israel, Will They All Be Saved?
November 14, 2024 Revelation (book)In the book of Revelation, the twelve tribes of Israel are mentioned by name. Does this imply that they were, or will be, saved? Today, W. Robert Godfrey addresses this question by examining God’s redemptive purposes.
Should We Pray for the Dead?
October 31, 2024 PrayerShould Christians pray for the souls of the dead? Today, Derek Thomas discusses how people have addressed this question throughout history—and most importantly, he explains the Bible’s answer.
What Are Some Good Systematic Theology Books to Help Believers Grow in Their Faith?
October 17, 2024 Systematic TheologyWhat systematic theology books should Christians read to strengthen their faith? Today, Sinclair Ferguson offers several recommendations for those looking to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
How Can I Love, Honor, and Witness to My Non-Christian Parents?
October 3, 2024 Evangelism and MissionsWhat should you do if you’re a Christian but your parents are not? Today, Stephen Nichols offers biblical advice to help us honor our parents as we bear witness to the gospel.
What Does It Mean That Christ Is the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith?
September 19, 2024 The Work of ChristHebrews 12:2 states that Jesus is the “author and finisher of our faith.” Today, Burk Parsons helps us understand what this verse means and how to apply this truth to our lives.
How Can I Balance Serving Others with Dealing with My Chronic Illness?
September 5, 2024 Life IssuesChronic illness can take a significant toll on both the body and the mind. Today, Sinclair Ferguson offers three ways that we can look to Scripture for guidance on serving the church while still taking care of ourselves.
I Am a New College Student. How Do I Balance My Education and My Ministry in the Church?
August 22, 2024 Life IssuesChristian college students can sometimes find it challenging to balance the responsibilities of academic life and church involvement. Today, Stephen Nichols offers guidance for navigating this unique season of life.
How Can I Be More Bold?
August 8, 2024 StrengthIn order to be more bold, do we simply need to speak louder or with more enthusiasm? Today, Burk Parsons defines boldness according to the Bible, explaining that this trait goes deeper than a personality shift.
What Is the Protoevangelium?
July 25, 2024 Redemptive HistoryThe message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is woven throughout Scripture. But where does it first appear? Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the biblical text known as the protoevangelium.
How Can College Students Serve in Their Church While on Summer Vacation?
July 11, 2024 ServiceMany churches have numerous opportunities for service over the summer months. Today, Stephen Nichols provides several ways that college students can help their congregations while they’re not in school.
How Do Justification and Sanctification Differ?
June 27, 2024 JustificationHow are justification and sanctification distinct from each other? Today, Derek Thomas helps us understand the theological context of these terms, noting how they are unique yet inseparable.
What Does the Doctrine of the Sufficiency of Scripture Teach?
June 13, 2024 The Sufficiency of ScriptureWhy is it so important that we don’t add to or take away from the Word of God? Today, Joseph Pipa helps us understand the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture.
If Joy Is a Fruit of the Spirit, Then Why Don’t I Have Any?
May 30, 2024 JoySometimes the valleys of life can lead us to question whether we possess the spiritual fruit of joy. Today, Burk Parsons points us to the hope Christians have in the source of true, biblical joy.
How Does Christianity Differ from Other Religions?
May 16, 2024 World ReligionsMany people today might say, “All religions essentially teach the same thing.” Today, Stephen Nichols points out how the Bible’s teaching that Jesus is the only way to God differs drastically from false religions.
Why Is Preaching Important in the Church?
May 2, 2024 PreachingPreaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of season is a calling that requires dedication. Today, Joseph Pipa explains why it is vital for the sound preaching of God’s Word to be at the center of church life.
Can I Have Assurance of My Salvation If I Regularly Doubt That I’m Saved?
April 18, 2024 AssuranceWhen we struggle with the same sin repeatedly, it can lead us to question our relationship with Christ. Today, Burk Parsons outlines several questions we can ask ourselves to consider whether our lives are bearing spiritual fruit.
Are Believers United to Other Believers in Christ?
April 11, 2024 Union with ChristWe know that Christians are united to Christ, but what relationship do believers have with one another? Today, Sinclair Ferguson addresses this question by looking at the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.
What Does It Mean to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever?
April 4, 2024 Christian CharacterIn 1 Corinthians 10:31, the Apostle Paul instructs Christians to “do all to the glory of God.” Today, Joseph Pipa outlines six principles from Scripture that can help us glorify God and enjoy Him in our daily lives.