- All chapters
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- 6MINThe Ordinary Christian ChurchSean Michael Lucas
- 3MINThe Pillar of the TruthSteve Timmis
- Am I called to be a pastor?John MacArthur
- Character QualificationsTerry Johnson
- November 28, 2023EldersBarry Cooper
- May 28, 2020How Do I Know If I’m Called to Be a Pastor?Nathan W. Bingham & W. Robert Godfrey
- 24:36I & II TimothyR.C. Sproul
- 24:36I & II TimothyR.C. Sproul
- 31:02Leading Well (Seminar)Harry Reeder
- 4MINThe Call to MinistryGeoffrey Thomas
- The Desire for Ordination1 timothy 3:1
- 2MINThe Service of LeadingBurk Parsons
- The Vocation of Elder1 timothy 3:1–7
- September 15, 2022What Are the Qualifications of a Pastor?Nathan W. Bingham & Harry Reeder
- What are the qualifications of a pastor?Harry Reeder
- 4MIN4 Traits of Healthy Church MembershipWilliam Boekestein
- An Example to Be Followed1 timothy 3:2–3
- Caring for God's Church1 timothy 3:4–5
- When the Outside Looks In1 timothy 3:6–7
- Qualifications for Deacons1 timothy 3:8
- The Mystery of the Faith1 timothy 3:9
- The Testing of Deacons1 timothy 3:10
- Women Servants1 timothy 3:11
- The Deacon's Home1 timothy 3:12