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- 3MINThe Final Word of GodDouglas Kelly
- 6MINHebrews and the New CovenantKeith Mathison
- 4MINBefore the Throne of GodDouglas Kelly
- Did the Holy Spirit indwell or regenerate Old Testament saints before the resurrection?W. Robert Godfrey & Albert Mohler
- Audio (Download)FaithR.C. Sproul$12.00$9.60
- PolycarpR.C. Sproul
- 22:11The Christian Context for SamsonW. Robert Godfrey
- 3MINWhitewashing History?Carl R. Trueman
- A Hopeful VisionR.C. Sproul
- A Hopeful Visionhebrews 11:1–2
- 4MINA Tapestry of FaithRichard Phillips
- Assurance and Convictionhebrews 11:1–2
- Being Trustworthyhebrews 11:1–13
- January 21, 2025FaithBarry Cooper
- 3MINFaith Has Its ReasonsR.C. Sproul
- 23:43For Sure: The Evidence for the ResurrectionGabriel N.E. Fluhrer
- The Reward of DiscipleshipR.C. Sproul
- 4MINThe Wisdom of FaithDouglas Kelly
- Things Hoped Forhebrews 11:1–2
- Trusting Godhebrews 11:1–6
- What Is Faith?R.C. Sproul
- What Is Faith?hebrews 11:1–2
- What is True Faith?hebrews 11:1–3
- Faith and EvidenceR.C. Sproul