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- 3MINThe Final Word of GodDouglas Kelly
- 6MINHebrews and the New CovenantKeith Mathison
- 4MINBefore the Throne of GodDouglas Kelly
- 3MINCoaching and the Suffering ChristianJoe Holland
- 23:25Enduring HardshipsSinclair Ferguson
- Does it mean I am not saved yet if I continuously doubt whether I am saved?Derek Thomas & Burk Parsons
- Hall of FameKen Jones
- March 7, 2024How Can Christians Fight against Sin?Nathan W. Bingham & Burk Parsons
- Is addiction a sign that someone is not a Christian?Burk Parsons
- Looking up to HeroesR.C. Sproul
- 30:46OPTIONAL SESSION: The Mighty Weakness of John KnoxDouglas Bond
- 23:29Persevering to the EndSinclair Ferguson
- 2MINPreserved by GodBurk Parsons
- Run With Endurancehebrews 12:1
- Running the Race of Faithhebrews 12:1–2
- 37:16The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on ChristologyStephen Nichols
- June 3, 2024Thinking about JesusSinclair Ferguson
- 6MINWorship in the HeavenliesPaul Hahn
- Jesus Alonehebrews 12:2
- Looking to Jesushebrews 12:2
- Peaceful FeelingsRobert Rothwell
- 48:37Questions & Answers with Godfrey, Nichols, Parsons, and ThomasW. Robert Godfrey & 3 others
- Stop, Look, and ListenHarry Reeder
- 3MINThings That Cannot Be ShakenDouglas Kelly