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- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- 6MINThe Witness of MarkS.M. Baugh
mark 7:1–8
Defilement from Within (Part 1)R.C. Sproul- Scripture Alonemark 7:1–13
- 41:30The Bible and EthicsMichael Reeves
- The Role of Traditionmark 7:1–4
- Prophetic and Apostolic Traditionmark 7:5–8
mark 7:9–23
Defilement from Within (Part 2)R.C. Sproul- Making Void the Word of Godmark 7:9–13
- The Source of Defilementmark 7:14–19
- July 30, 2024Total DepravityBarry Cooper
- Evil in Heartmark 7:20–23
- March 19, 2024Original SinBarry Cooper
- Jesus Visits Tyre and Sidonmark 7:24–26
mark 7:24–30
The Syro-Phoenician WomanR.C. Sproul- The Faith of a Gentile Womanmark 7:27–30
- Healing a Deaf Manmark 7:31–35
mark 7:31–37
The Healing of the Deaf MuteR.C. Sproul- The Crowd's Response to Jesusmark 7:36–37