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- 3MINThe Witness of MatthewR.C. Sproul
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Matthew’s GospelMark Ross
- 4MINThe Gospel of the GospelsDaniel R. Hyde
- The First Gifts of Christmas (Part 2)R.C. Sproul
- What is typology? How can we use it responsibly in Bible study?Sinclair Ferguson
- Audio (Download)Christmas MessagesR.C. Sproul$8.00$6.40
- Jesus’ ChildhoodJerry Bridges
- The First Gifts of Christmas (Part 1)R.C. Sproul
matthew 2:1–12
Visit of the MagiR.C. Sproul- Visitors from the Eastmatthew 2:1–6
- The Wise Men Rejoicematthew 2:7–10
- 3MINWhat Was the Star of Bethlehem?R.C. Sproul
- Three Gifts for the Kingmatthew 2:11–12
- God's Son Is Calledmatthew 2:13–15
matthew 2:13–18
The Slaughter of the InnocentsR.C. Sproul- True Israelmatthew 2:13–15
- Herod Slays the Childrenmatthew 2:16–18
- The End of Exilematthew 2:16–18
- The Move to Nazarethmatthew 2:19–23
- 4 MESSAGESChristmas MessagesR.C. Sproul