5 Keys to Spiritual Growth: 2005 National Conference

Have you ever a read passage in the Bible and discovered something you never noticed before? How many interpretations can one Scripture passage have? Are all interpretations valid? While the basic message of Scripture is clear, those who do not understand and apply the basic principles of biblical interpretation can easily misinterpret it. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Sr. will introduce some of the more important tools and concepts that are necessary in order to properly study and understand the Bible.
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R.C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul Jr. previously served as a pastor, professor, and teacher. His content is no longer featured due to violations of our content policy.
Bible Study
Resources about maturing in sanctification in various areas of the Christian life, including: assurance, confession, endurance, fellowship, forgiveness, knowing God’s will, service, spiritual disciplines, spiritual fruit, and temptation.