The Doctrines of Grace in John
Each book of the Bible contributes poignantly and uniquely to the message of redemption revealed in God's Word. John's gospel offers much to the picture of redemption, but it provides special insight into the deity and supremacy of Jesus Christ. For this reason, it naturally follows that John would present the sovereignty of God in a profound, thorough manner. Therefore, Dr. Steven J. Lawson uses the Beloved's record of the life and ministry of Jesus, the all-mighty Son of God, to explain and analyze the doctrines of grace, and he begins his lecture series with an introduction to John's gospel and its insight into these doctrines.
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Steven Lawson
Dr. Steven J. Lawson is founder of OnePassion Ministries in Dallas. His content is no longer featured due to violations of our content policy.
Reformed Theology
Resources about the doctrines of grace, including: irresistible grace, limited atonement, the perseverance of the saints, total depravity, and unconditional election.