The Last Days According to Jesus

The book of Revelation describes a time period in the last days called the Millennium. In fact, it says that the Millennium is a period of one-thousand years. But when did the last days begin? Are we still waiting for the last days or are we in them now? Is the Millennium a future expectation for the church or are we currently in it? In this message, Dr. Sproul explains the different theological perspectives in the church that are known by their teaching about “The Millennium.”

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R.C. Sproul
Dr. R.C. Sproul was founder of Ligonier Ministries, first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of Reformation Bible College. He was author of more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God.
The Return of Christ
Resources about the coming day of God’s eternal salvation of the elect and eternal punishment of the wicked, including: the final judgment, heaven, and hell, and the return of Christ.