The Pilgrim’s Progress: A Guided Tour
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When a person has been awakened to his or her need for a savior, that person also needs to learn about the fundamental realities of the gospel and the Christian life. As Jesus cautioned in Luke 14:27-33, those who decide to follow Him must carefully count the cost of discipleship. Sadly, many professing Christians do not count this cost, and in time they abandon their pilgrimage. In this message, we will join Christian as he learns important lessons about the perils and rewards of a pilgrim's journey.

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Derek Thomas
Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas is a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary. He is featured teacher for the Ligonier teaching series Romans 8 and author of many books, including Heaven on Earth, Strength for the Weary, and Let Us Worship God.
Resources about maturing in sanctification in various areas of the Christian life, including: assurance, confession, endurance, fellowship, forgiveness, knowing God’s will, service, spiritual disciplines, spiritual fruit, and temptation.