Trillia Newbell
Trillia J. Newbell is acquisitions director at Moody Publishers. She is author of several books, including Sacred Endurance: Finding Grace and Strength for a Lasting Faith and If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation.
- 3MINJoy in Our WorkTrillia Newbell
- What God's Faithfulness Doesn't MeanTrillia Newbell
- Our Marching OrdersTrillia Newbell
- Words of Life to Our ChildrenTrillia Newbell
- We Can't Be All HeadsTrillia Newbell
- Adopted Children of GodTrillia Newbell
- The Ministry of ReconciliationTrillia Newbell
- Come Like Little ChildrenTrillia Newbell
- Free From CondemnationTrillia Newbell
- Sin’s War against LoveTrillia Newbell
- 6MINHolistically Pro-LifeTrillia Newbell
- Quarrels and FightsTrillia Newbell
- Idol FactoryTrillia Newbell
- 4MINSin, Repentance, and Walking in the LightTrillia Newbell
- 3MINBearers of God's ImageTrillia Newbell