- August 5, 2024The Purpose of MiraclesR.C. Sproul
- December 11, 2023The Virgin BirthR.C. Sproul
- February 21, 2023MiraclesBarry Cooper
- The Miracles of Elisha2 kings 4:1–7
- Israel Crosses the Jordan Riverjoshua 3
- Opening Blind Eyesjohn 9:24–33
- Healing at Bethesdajohn 5:1–9
- The First of Jesus' Signsjohn 2:6–12
- Apostolic Signs and Wondersmark 16:17–18
- Feeding Four Thousandmark 8:1–10
- Healings in Gennesaretmark 6:53–56
- Five Thousand Men Fedmark 6:35–44
- Jesus Ceases a Stormmark 4:35–40
luke 11:27–36
Seeking a SignR.C. Sproulluke 11:14–26
A House DividedR.C. Sproul- Are Miracles for Today?hebrews 2:1–4
luke 9:10–17
The Feeding of the Five ThousandR.C. Sproulluke 8:40–56
Jairus' DaughterR.C. Sproulluke 7:11–17
The Widow's SonR.C. Sproulluke 7:1–10
The Centurion's ServantR.C. Sproulluke 4:38–44
Healing & PreachingR.C. Sproul- 22:16A Shadow of ChristR.C. Sproul
- Remembering the Works of GodR.C. Sproul
matthew 17:14–21
A Faithless GenerationR.C. Sproul