- February 10, 2025The Fruit of the SpiritSinclair Ferguson
- 3MINWhat Is the Fruit of the Spirit?Jonathan Cruse
- 3MINIs God Always Pleased with Christians?Andrew Kerr
- October 4, 2023The Gift of the Holy SpiritR.C. Sproul
- April 28, 2023Be Who You Now AreR.C. Sproul
- January 24, 2023The Fruit of the SpiritBarry Cooper
- How do I go from obeying God out of obligation to obeying Him out of love?Derek Thomas & 2 others
- 4MINWaiting on GodR.C. Sproul
- Living Life to the Glory of Godecclesiastes 12:1–14
- Keeping the Commandments of God1 corinthians 7:17–19
- Obedience for Our Goodhebrews 13:17
- A Manner Worthy of Godhebrews 10:32–36
- 5MINHow Do We Become Spiritually Mature?John MacArthur
- Focus and FaithfulnessMark Johnston
- 31:13Chapter 5:18-6:18John H. Gerstner
- Hope for the Hebrewshebrews 6:9–10
- Walk WorthyMark Johnston
- 23:04Walking by the SpiritDerek Thomas
- 29:18The Proofs of SalvationJohn H. Gerstner
- Doers, Not Hearers OnlyAugustus Nicodemus Lopes
- Proving Our Discipleship for God’s Gloryjohn 15:8
- How We Bear Fruitjohn 15:7
- Vine and Branchesjohn 15:1–5
- Doing the Truthjohn 3:21