Surprised by God: 2012 Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College

1. The Lamb Who Reigns

2. A Rekindled Flame: The Reformation’s Rediscovery of God

3. Inklings of Wonder

4. God in a Book

5. The Call to Wonder

6. Questions & Answers

7. Shekinah

8. The Eclipse of God

Reformed people are often accused of putting “God in a box.” This session explores how the Bible doesn’t limit our view of God but expands it, and how sundry methodologies such as Eastern prayer practices, Charismatic extremes, and others actually diminish God rather than exalt His transcendence.
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Stephen Nichols
Dr. George Grant is pastor emeritus of Parish Presbyterian Church, founder of New College Franklin, director of the King’s Meadow Study Center, founder and chancellor of Franklin Classical School in Franklin, Tenn., and host of both the Word Play and the Resistance and Reformation podcasts. He is author of numerous books, including The Micah Mandate: Balancing the Christian Life.