April 14, 1995

Commit to the Lord

proverbs 16:3
proverbs 16:3

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do" (Prov. 16:3 NIV).

For the past few days we have been examining how properly to understand God’s will concerning our vocation. Fundamental to such an understanding is an established balance between remaining diligent in our calling and trusting God to direct our steps. Work that is done with no thought to God and His ways brings no lasting fulfillment and ultimately no glory to God. Only those who work in the light of the Cross and dedicate their lives and their employments to God can truly give Him the glory He is due.

Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” A commitment to the Lord such as this is not easily grasped; it can only come through the doorway of faith. “Faith is the only principle of solid establishment,” Bridges wrote. “Here was our original happiness and security. Independence was the destruction of our well-being. The return to this humble simplicity is the privilege of the gospel. ‘In all thy ways acknowledge Him’—is the rule of peace.… This confidence was the stay of our beloved Lord in His great work. Prayer was the exercise of His faith. [Settled confidence] was the [result]. Has the fretting spirit ever tried this true remedy? Actively engage the two hands of faith and prayer in making over our burdens to our Father.… Commit then all your works to Him. Seek Him for strength and guidance in all. Look to Him for success in all. Roll on Him the great work of your soul’s salvation. Be satisfied with His management of your concerns. Put your works, as you would put your children, with confidence in the hands of God. Let your heart habitually turn to the throne of grace.”

Such resolution before God can only be established in one who is born again by the Spirit of Christ. Only by the power of Christ can you find peace—not only in your work but in the depths of your soul. True success in work and in life only comes when we bring glory to our heavenly Father—just as true happiness can only be attained when we reach that chief end for which we were made—to glorify God. Only when you repent of your sins, confess your utter dependence on Christ, put your faith in Him, and live under His Lordship can you truly find peace, happiness, and success.

Coram Deo

Confess ways that you rely on your own strength instead of God’s. Does your self-dependenceextend to other areas—your family, health, salvation? It you are anxious and self-reliant, couldthe root of the problem be a lack of saving faith in Christ? If so, go to Him today, confess yoursins and find peace in Him.

For Further Study