Faith and Repentance
- January 21, 2025FaithBarry Cooper
- January 6, 2025Are You Childlike or Childish?R.C. Sproul
- September 17, 2024Following the Light of the WorldSinclair Ferguson
- September 3, 2024RepentanceBarry Cooper
- August 26, 2024Faith in What?R.C. Sproul
- 24:43Abraham: The Father of the FaithfulW. Robert Godfrey
- October 2, 2023The Gift of FaithR.C. Sproul
- Were the Apostles converted before the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost?Sinclair Ferguson & Derek Thomas
- In what ways are sinners both active and passive in their salvation?Michael Reeves
- November 8, 2021Wait for GodR.C. Sproul
- November 4, 2021Do You Have to Remember the Date and Time of Your Conversion to Know That You're a Christian?Nathan W. Bingham & Stephen Nichols
- October 28, 2021Does Repentance Require Confession?Nathan W. Bingham & R.C. Sproul
- Must a person forsake his sins before he can come to Christ?Derek Thomas
- 41:16The Necessity of FaithStephen Nichols
- What does it mean that we are “justified by faith, not because of faith”?Derek Thomas
- GUIDEFaith and RepentanceTheology
- Is faith a work?Stephen Nichols
- Firmness, Courage, and Love1 corinthians 16:13–14
- Does repentance require confession?R.C. Sproul
- 23:43For Sure: The Evidence for the ResurrectionGabriel N.E. Fluhrer
- 3MINAn Illustration of RepentanceBenjamin Shaw
- To the Church at Sardisrevelation 3:1–6
- The Faith of Manyhebrews 11:32–38
- The Faith of Amram and Jochebedhebrews 11:23