“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Yesterday, we saw that one of the many ways we can strengthen ourselves for the race ahead is to obey our leaders in the church. Since the offices of the church and the requirements for leadership are continually contested, it will be wise for us to take some time to look at the officers God has given to the church and the ways in which God has called His people to minister to each other. This we will do with the help of the teaching series Church Leadership by Dr. R.C. Sproul.
Before we discuss the nature of ordained ministry, let us first remind ourselves that God has called all of His people to be servants of the church. Though He does appoint certain people to special offices for special purposes, in a general sense, no matter our age, sex, or social status, we are each called to serve one another. After all, as His new covenant people, we are all a “royal priesthood” and a “chosen generation,” called to proclaim “the excellencies of his nature” (1 Peter 2:9).
Such a task may seem daunting, and, indeed, it is if we had only ourselves upon which to lean. After all, we all know our own inadequacies and understand that without His help, we cannot serve God rightly. However, God has not left us to ourselves but has given us the tools that we need in order to be faithful to His call.
Today’s passage explains one of the many ways that the Lord has equipped all of His children for ministry. At His ascension, Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to be with us and empower us to be His witnesses. If we believe in Christ, we have this Spirit already (1 Cor. 12:13) and are able to bear witness to Jesus as we seek Him in prayer, study, and service.
1 Corinthians 2:6–16 tells us that not only has the Holy Spirit been given to us for ministry, God has also granted us the mind of Christ. We have been enabled to think God’s thoughts after Him and thus to utilize His wisdom for ministry. To be sure, our old fleshly nature wars against this new mind that has been given to us. But as we seek the Lord in prayer and in the study of Scripture, the mind of Christ will surely exact an increasing influence on our daily decisions.
Therefore, none of us should think that God cannot use us in ministry. He calls all of us to serve, and He always equips us for service.
Coram Deo
Many of God’s greatest saints, including men like Moses and Jeremiah, did not feel that they could fulfill God’s call. But, as we have seen, God always gives us what we need to do His will. Go to the Lord in prayer and thank Him for equipping us. Then, go serve His church in the capacity that He has called you.