St. Pierre's Cathedral
In Rome sits the famed St. Peter's Basilica, the spiritual home of the pope. But there is another prominent St. Peter's, this one in Geneva, Switzerland. It was the adopted home church of the Reformer John Calvin. And since Geneva is a French-speaking city, let's call it St. Pierre's.
Geneva was under Roman rule from as early as 58 B.C. Julius Caesar saw Geneva as a prime city, and there was a Roman settlement there. By the fourth century, a church was built in Geneva, and this church underwent significant renovations in the fifth and sixth century. Toward the end of the 1100s, construction on the cathedral began, and it was finally completed in 1230.
It was into this cathedral that John Calvin stepped as pastor. He arrived in 1541, after his exile to Strasbourg, France, and he remained in St. Pierre's Cathedral until his death in 1564. It was at this cathedral that Calvin preached his many sermons during the course of the week. Also in the cathedral was sung some of the most beautiful church music that has ever been sung. Calvin was an exclusive psalm singer, and he did not believe that there should be instruments in the church, but he did like the instrument of the human voice. Calvin had professional musicians come into the cathedral and train the congregation how to sing in parts. So, listening to this beautiful music and then hearing John Calvin preach—this would have been quite a church.
The pulpit from which Calvin preached is still there, at the top of a set of stairs, built into the wall. The chair that he sat in as he waited to preach is also still there.
After preaching, Calvin would end with a prayer. He often used a particular one that he had written out. It's a lengthy prayer, and he titled it simply "Prayer after the Sermon." Here's an excerpt:
We pray also, true Father and savior, for all whom You have ordained as pastors to Your people, who have the care of souls and the administration of Your holy gospel. May You lead and direct them by Your Holy Spirit that they may be found faithful and true ministers of Your glory, always striving to gather and bring home the erring and wayward sheep to the Lord Jesus Christ, our chief Shepherd and principal bishop, that they might daily prosper and grow in Him in all righteousness and holiness. Grant moreover that all churches may be delivered from the mouths of ravening wolves and hirelings, who follow their own purposes and ambitions and have no care for the honor of Your holy name and the welfare of Your flock.Calvin prayed for the ministers in Geneva, that they would be faithful shepherds, undershepherds of the great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, as they led their flocks. Calvin was also very much aware that in many pulpits there were not undershepherds, but instead there were ravenous wolves who through their false teaching led their flocks astray. Calvin prayed that it would not be so in his church at Geneva. And may not be so in our churches today.
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