September 30, 2021

How Can We Find Joy in Prayer, Reading the Bible, and Attending Church?

Nathan W. Bingham & Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer

The psalmist calls God’s Word “my delight” (Ps. 119:24). What should we do when we don’t find joy in the Bible or in prayer? Today, Gabe Fluhrer explains why our interest in spiritual disciplines can wane and how we should respond when it does.


NATHAN W. BINGHAM: This week we're joined by Dr. Gabe Fluhrer, senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dr. Fluhrer, what should a Christian do if they're no longer finding joy in praying, reading the Bible, or going to church?

DR. GABE FLUHRER: First of all, I think we have to recognize that that is normal. And because of certain teachings that have been around for just a little while in evangelicalism and in broader Christian circles, we're taught that the life of a Christian is one of joy and peace all the time. And it is one of joy and peace, but that waxes and wanes because we're sinful and we're fallen and we don't think like we should and we don't have the right emotions. So, the first thing we have to recognize is that it's normal to lose interest in prayer and the Bible. And that doesn't make it right"it's sinful to not have that interest"but it does help explain why that happens.

Then I think what we want to say is that if we're struggling with those things, we have to persevere. And we have to persevere until the feelings return. Feelings wax and wane; the truth doesn't. And that's what we have to come back to, even if we don't feel anything when we pray or read the Bible. The question is, Are we trusting God in the middle of that? Are we still coming to Him, saying, "I don't feel anything, God. I don't know what difference this is going to make from where I can see it, but I do trust You and I do want to feel these things again"?

And that's the last thing I would say is we need to pray for zeal in prayer and Bible reading and the spiritual disciplines. We need to beg God for it if we don't have it. And we need to go to Him constantly with our fears and our worries about not having this and lay them at His feet. And then finally I would say we recognize that God is gracious, and even when we don't feel like we should, He loves us better than we deserve.

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