Open Book Episodes
This podcast is about the power of books and the people they’ve shaped. Stephen Nichols joins R.C. Sproul and other teachers in their personal libraries to discover the books that have left a mark on these men and their ministries.

Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Renewing Your Mind
June 27, 2024 TheologiansAs chancellor of a Christian university, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes commuted by motorcycle through the busy streets of São Paulo. Today, he talks with Stephen Nichols about the enriching experience of listening to Renewing Your Mind each day on his Harley.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Pearcey and Thaxton’s The Soul of Science
June 20, 2024 ApologeticsAre science and Christianity opposed to each other? Today, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes and Stephen Nichols discuss a book that traces the foundations of the modern scientific method back to the historic Christian faith.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Ridderbos’ Paul: An Outline of His Theology
June 13, 2024 Biblical TheologyDo you know the difference between biblical theology and systematic theology? Today, Stephen Nichols and Augustus Nicodemus Lopes discuss the value of both these disciplines in the study of God’s Word.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Lloyd-Jones’ Preachers and Preaching
June 6, 2024 Christian ClassicsKnown as “the Doctor, ” Martyn Lloyd-Jones used medical precision in explaining the text of Scripture and applying it to the soul. Today, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes and Stephen Nichols discuss the lasting influence of Lloyd-Jones’ preaching.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students
May 30, 2024 Christian ClassicsMany of us know Charles Spurgeon as the Prince of Preachers. But did you know he trained many other pastors to serve their flocks faithfully? Today, Stephen Nichols and Augustus Nicodemus Lopes examine Spurgeon’s lectures to his students.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Packer’s Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
May 23, 2024 Christian ClassicsSince God has predestined His people for salvation, why should Christians involve themselves in evangelism? Today, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes and Stephen Nichols show that God’s sovereignty is the very reason we evangelize.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Baxter’s The Reformed Pastor
May 16, 2024 Christian ClassicsThe Puritans understood the high calling of a pastor: devotion to Christ and to the care of His sheep. Today, Stephen Nichols and Augustus Nicodemus Lopes examine a classic book on pastoral ministry by the Puritan Richard Baxter.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Sproul’s Chosen by God
May 9, 2024 Total Depravity*Chosen by God*, the beloved book by R.C. Sproul, has helped many Christians understand the Lord’s sovereign grace in salvation. Today, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes speaks with Stephen Nichols about the impact of this book on his life.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
May 2, 2024 Christian ClassicsExpecting academic dryness in the writings of John Calvin, readers are often surprised by his pastoral warmth and memorable insights. Today, Stephen Nichols and Augustus Nicodemus Lopes discuss Calvin’s *Institutes*.
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes on Spurgeon’s New Park Street Pulpit
April 25, 2024 Christian ClassicsWhen Christians come to understand the doctrine of election, they’re often awakened afresh to the wonders of the gospel. Today, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes joins Stephen Nichols to discuss a sermon that changed his mind about Calvinism.
Season Five Begins Next Week
April 18, 2024 Christian ClassicsA new season of the Open Book podcast begins April 25. Listen to the trailer to discover which special guest is joining Stephen Nichols to share the books that have influenced their faith. Follow the podcast so you can hear each Thursday’s episode.
Derek Thomas on Sproul’s Chosen by God
June 29, 2023 TheologiansDerek Thomas saw R.C. Sproul as a brilliant theologian. Years later, they met and became friends. Today on the Open Book podcast, Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas share stories about the founder of Ligonier Ministries and look at one of his most cherished books. Get R.C. Sproul’s book Chosen by God: []( "Get R.C. Sproul’s book Chosen by God")
Derek Thomas on Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism
June 22, 2023 Christian ClassicsJ. Gresham Machen’s book Christianity and Liberalism may be even more urgent now than when it was published 100 years ago. Today on the Open Book podcast, Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas discuss this 20th-century classic. Stream Stephen Nichols’ 12-message teaching series on Christianity and Liberalism: Watch messages from Reformation Bible College’s 2023 Winter Conference, Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism: 100 Years Later: Read the February 2023 edition of Tabletalk magazine, “Christianity and Liberalism”:
Derek Thomas on Calvin’s Sermons on Job
June 15, 2023 Christian ClassicsPreaching from the book of Job, John Calvin said, “It is a great thing to be subject to the majesty of God.” Today on the *Open Book* podcast, Derek Thomas tells Stephen Nichols about the collection of sermons that captivated him for seven years.
Derek Thomas on Murray’s The Epistle to the Romans and Studies in Theology
June 8, 2023 Christian ClassicsJohn Murray was a towering figure for the advancement of Reformed theology in the 20th century. Today on the *Open Book* podcast, Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas look at Murray’s influential commentary on Romans and theological writings.
Derek Thomas on Lloyd-Jones’ Preaching and Preachers
June 1, 2023 TheologiansGenerations of preachers have been influenced by the ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Today on the *Open Book* podcast, Derek Thomas discusses his favorite book on preaching with Stephen Nichols.
Derek Thomas on Marcel, Murray, and Infant Baptism
May 25, 2023 TheologiansPresbyterians and Baptists both have the same Bible, but at times they reach different conclusions. Today on the Open Book podcast, Stephen Nichols is joined by Derek Thomas to discuss several writings that led to his becoming a paedobaptist. The books addressed in this episode include *Baptism: Sacrament of the Covenant of Grace* by Pierre-Charles Marcel and *Christian Baptism* by John Murray.
Derek Thomas on Owen’s The Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded
May 18, 2023 TheologiansAs a young man, Derek Thomas would meet with his mentor early in the morning to read the writings of John Owen. Today on the Open Book podcast, Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas reflect on this intellectual giant of the 17th century.
Derek Thomas on Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress
May 11, 2023 Christian ClassicsThrough all the hardships of life, we must always remember our unshaken identity in Christ. Today on the Open Book podcast, Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas discuss a cherished Christian classic and its emphasis on the assurance of salvation.
Derek Thomas on Packer’s Knowing God
May 4, 2023 Christian ClassicsGod is immeasurably more majestic than our minds can imagine. Today on the *Open Book* podcast, Derek Thomas tells Stephen Nichols about a book that greatly influenced him as a student preparing for ministry.
Derek Thomas on Stott’s Basic Christianity
April 27, 2023 Christian ClassicsDuring a difficult time of life, a young Welshman received an unexpected book in the mail. Within three days, he was converted to Christ. To begin season four of the *Open Book* podcast, today Stephen Nichols visits the library of Derek Thomas to hear his story.
Coming Soon: Season Four
April 20, 2023 Christian ClassicsThe Open Book podcast returns with a new season starting April 27. Whose library will Stephen Nichols visit in season four? Hear the trailer today to find out, and subscribe to the podcast to stay up to date on each week’s episode.
Joel Beeke on William Perkins
May 26, 2022 TheologiansWhat can we learn from the father of the English Puritans? Bringing the third season of Open Book to a close, Joel Beeke and Stephen Nichols discuss William Perkins, whose writings have helped generations of Christians apply the truth of God to their everyday lives.
Joel Beeke on Thomas Goodwin
May 19, 2022 Christian ClassicsWhat is one of the most precious yet underestimated doctrines in Reformed theology? In this episode of Open Book, Stephen Nichols and Joel Beeke speak on the strength and comfort we receive from Jesus' heavenly intercession for His people.