A New Daily Devotional Podcast: Things Unseen

Beginning January 2, 2023, join Sinclair Ferguson for this new daily devotional podcast. Every Monday through Friday, listen to thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Subscribe today so you don’t miss an episode.
This is the kind of world today in which it’d be very easy for Christians to lose heart. It’s an encouragement to us to know that the Apostle Paul apparently felt the same thing. His remedy for it was to teach us not to focus on the things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen. Because he says the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal, and we tend to think the other way around.
So, starting on January 2, 2023, I hope you’ll join me, Sinclair Ferguson, for Things Unseen, which is a new daily devotional podcast from Ligonier Ministries. Everyday Monday to Friday, we’re going to try and see how eternal things transform our experience of the things that are passing away, and how unseen things help us to live in a world that’s very visible.
Let’s set our eyes on things unseen in our Christian life, and I hope you’ll follow the podcast at https://Ligonier.org/thingsunseen, or wherever you get your podcasts. And join me then on January 2, 2023.
Recent Episodes
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