December 18, 2023

The Reign of Christ in a Secular Age


It is no accident that, even at Christmas, our society makes little mention of Jesus. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that despite increasing hostility to the Lord and His people, we can place our hope in the God who reigns.


There is a cloud on the horizon, dear friends, that becomes more and more ominous every day. Disputes about “happy holidays,” “season’s greetings,” or “merry Christmas,” in the grand scope of things, in and of themselves, are trivial. They’re insignificant. The only thing that makes them at all significant is that they’re a harbinger of things to come.

We’re living in a country that becomes every day more and more blatantly hostile to Christ and to His people. This has been the pattern of culture throughout history because the pagan world hates the birth of Christ, and they will be tolerant only when they have to be tolerant. But we’re seeing this increasing boldness by judges, by rulers, by the media against the Prince of Peace.

So beware, dear friends. Guard yourselves and your children of what’s coming. But remember that whatever comes is under the rule of the One who raises up kings and who pulls kings down from their throne: the Lord God omnipotent, who reigneth.

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