Where Is Boasting?

The biblical doctrine of predestination makes it clear that our salvation rests entirely on the grace of God. Today, R.C. Sproul reminds us that as Christians, we have nothing to boast about in and of ourselves.
Somebody said to me recently, “I told somebody that I believed that I was chosen.” And the response was, “Well, you’re very egotistical for saying that.” Now, if we think that we’re chosen because we were so eminently choosable and that God chose us for something He saw in us or foresaw in us, yes, that would be supremely egotistical. But if the concept that the New Testament teaches is correct, that He chose us according to His purposes and His good pleasure, and strictly by His grace and not by something in us, it’s the end of egotism. Like the Apostle himself says, “Where is boasting? It’s excluded.” If my salvation rests completely on the grace of God, I have nothing of which to boast in myself. It’s the end of egotism.
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