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- 49
- 50
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about GenesisT. Desmond Alexander
- 27:36Jacob's BlessingR.C. Sproul
- God's Promise to JudahR.C. Sproul
- Reuben Gets His Duegenesis 49:1–4
- The Twelve Tribes of Israelgenesis 49:1–28
- The Wisdom of ListeningBurk Parsons
- Simeon and Levi Dividedgenesis 49:5–7
- Judah's Sceptergenesis 49:8–12
- The Messiah's Kingdomgenesis 49:13
- Issachar's Servitudegenesis 49:14–15
- Dan the Serpentgenesis 49:16–17
- Gad, Asher, and Naphtaligenesis 49:18–21
- Joseph, a Fruitful Boughgenesis 49:22–26
- Benjamin the Wolfgenesis 49:27
- Jacob's Last Wordsgenesis 49:28 – 50:3
- Take Me Back to CanaanR.C. Sproul