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- 25:48CreationR.C. Sproul
- 25:48CreationR.C. Sproul
- 28:05CreationJohn H. Gerstner
- 23:45Creation Ex NihiloR.C. Sproul
- 28:28Creation or ChaosR.C. Sproul
- God Creates the Universegenesis 1:1 – 2:3
- God the Holy Spiritgenesis 1:1–2
- 23:10God's Eternal LoveR.C. Sproul
- In the Beginninggenesis 1:1–2
- 24:12Order from ChaosSinclair Ferguson
- Recalling Our Purposegenesis 1:1 – 2:3
- Recalling Our Purposegenesis 1:1 – 2:3
- The Holy Spirit in the Old Testamentgenesis 1:1–2
- 65:45Why Does the Universe Look So Old?Albert Mohler
- And It Was Sogenesis 1:3–8
- The Good Earthgenesis 1:9–13
- Two Great Lightsgenesis 1:14–19
- The Days of Creationgenesis 1:20–25
- Alike, But Very DifferentR.C. Sproul
- 31:14Before All TimeGeorge Grant
- Elohimgenesis 1:26
- Elohimgenesis 1:26
- Elohim (Part 1)R.C. Sproul
- 25:09God's Design for Adam (Pre-Conference)William VanDoodewaard