- All chapters
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 2MIN3 Things You Should Know about JamesGregory R. Lanier
- In the Midst of Sufferingjames 5:1–12
- Rich Oppressorsjames 5:1 –6
- Be Patientjames 5:7–9
- 24:45The Patience of JobDerek Thomas
- The Patience of JobJames Harvey
- Suffering and Patiencejames 5:10–11
- The Word of a ManR.C. Sproul
- 1MINDuty and HonorR.C. Sproul
- Oaths & PromisesR.C. Sproul
- Oaths and Vowsjames 5:12
- The Sanctity of TruthR.C. Sproul
- The Word of a Manjames 5:12
- Yes or NoR.C. Sproul
- Yes or No?R.C. Sproul
- James and Jesusjames 5:13–20
- 23:13Providence and Prayer - If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?R.C. Sproul
- The Prayer of FaithR.C. Sproul
- The Prayer of Faithjames 5:13–15
- 2MINWhat Is the Prayer of Faith?Sinclair Ferguson
- Does Prayer Change Things?james 5:16–18
- 1MINGod-Ordained MeansR.C. Sproul
- How to Prayjames 5:16
- How to Prayjames 5:16