- All chapters
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- 16
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- 6MINThe Witness of MarkS.M. Baugh
- Cowardly Priests and Scribesmark 14:1–2
mark 14:1–9
The Anointing at BethanyR.C. Sproul- Jesus' Anointing in Bethanymark 14:3–9
- Premeditated Betrayalmark 14:10–11
mark 14:10–26
The Last SupperR.C. Sproul- Jesus Pronounces an Oracle of Woemark 14:17–21
- Jesus' Blood of The Covenantmark 14:22–25
- Jesus' Blood of The Covenantmark 14:22–25
- No Greater LoveSinclair Ferguson
- Real Body and Blood?mark 14:22–25
- The Scattering of Sheepmark 14:26–31
- The Shepherd is Struckmark 14:26–50
mark 14:27–42
The Garden of GethsemaneR.C. Sproul- Jesus in Gethsemanemark 14:32–36
- No Greater LoveSinclair Ferguson
- Willing Spirits and Weak Fleshmark 14:37–42
- 30:33Watching & PrayingJohn H. Gerstner
- Arrested Under the Cover of Nightmark 14:43–49
- 23:30God’s Power in Jesus ChristDerek Thomas
mark 14:43–52
Jesus' ArrestR.C. Sproul- The Fleeing Disciplesmark 14:50–52
mark 14:53–72
Jesus before the SanhedrinR.C. Sproul