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- 15
- 16
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Mark’s GospelBrandon Crowe
- 6MINThe Witness of MarkS.M. Baugh
mark 16:1–13
The ResurrectionR.C. Sproul- The Rolled-Back Stonemark 16:1–4
- April 4, 2024Peter’s Failure Was Not FinalSinclair Ferguson
- The Common Act of Resurrectionmark 16:5–7
- The Mass and Christologymark 16:6
- Fearful Womenmark 16:8
- The Preservation of Scripturemark 16:9–11
- Appearances of the Resurrected Lordmark 16:12–13
- Commissioning the Disciplesmark 16:14–15
mark 16:14–20
The Great CommissionR.C. Sproul- An Unusual TextLeonardo De Chirico
- Salvation or Condemnationmark 16:16
- Apostolic Signs and Wondersmark 16:17–18
- Ascension and Sessionmark 16:19
- The Gospel Goes Forthmark 16:20