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- 3MINThe Witness of MatthewR.C. Sproul
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Matthew’s GospelMark Ross
- 4MINThe Gospel of the GospelsDaniel R. Hyde
- Jesus Commissions the Twelvematthew 10:1–15
matthew 10:1–4
The Call of the DisciplesR.C. Sproul- What Is Providence?matthew 10:1–42
matthew 10:5–15
The Sending of the TwelveR.C. Sproul- Lessons from NatureTom Ascol
matthew 10:16–23
PersecutionsR.C. Sproul- Prepare to Be Persecutedmatthew 10:16–25
- What does it mean to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16)?Sinclair Ferguson
- Perceiving the Power of PreachingR.C. Sproul
- 28:15Oil in the Lamp: The Holy SpiritJohn H. Gerstner
matthew 10:24–33
The Fear of GodR.C. Sproul- Fearing the Right Personmatthew 10:26–39
- God is in the Detailsmatthew 10:28–31
- 29:13Hell, Part 1John H. Gerstner
- July 14, 2023God’s Eye Is on His PeopleR.C. Sproul
- 3MINThe God Who SeesR.C. Sproul
- Confessing Jesus with Your MouthSteffen Mueller
matthew 10:34–42
Jesus and DivisionR.C. Sproul- 1MINNot Peace but a SwordJoel Kim
- November 17, 2023The Threat of SyncretismR.C. Sproul
- Loving God by Loving Christmatthew 10:37–39