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- 3MINThe Witness of MatthewR.C. Sproul
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about Matthew’s GospelMark Ross
- 4MINThe Gospel of the GospelsDaniel R. Hyde
- Christ’s Divine Authoritymatthew 9:1–8
matthew 9:1–8
Jesus Forgives SinR.C. Sproul- Jesus’ Healing MinistryJerry Bridges
- Jesus, Friend of Sinnersmatthew 9:9–13
- The "Innocent Native"matthew 9:9–13
matthew 9:9–13
The Call of MatthewR.C. Sproul- New Covenant FastingKen Jones
matthew 9:14–17
The Presence of the BridegroomR.C. Sproul- Wine for Fresh Wineskinsmatthew 9:14–17
- The Discipline of FastingDonald Whitney
matthew 9:18–26
The Healing of the DaughterR.C. Sproul- The Healing Touch of Christmatthew 9:18–26
- June 23, 2021I Was Blind, but Now I SeeR.C. Sproul
- Blind Eyes Are Openedmatthew 9:27–31
matthew 9:27–38
The Compassion of JesusR.C. Sproul- Freed from Bondagematthew 9:32–34
- Laborers for the Harvestmatthew 9:35–38
matthew 9:35–38
The Fields Ready to HarvestR.C. Sproul- September 10, 2024What Is Wrong with Preaching Today?Sinclair Ferguson
- What role does intercessory prayer play in the salvation of the nations?Derek Thomas & 2 others