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- 22
- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about RevelationDennis Johnson
- 9MINThe Preterist Approach to RevelationKeith Mathison
- 13MINUnderstanding John’s ProphecyKeith Mathison
- 3MINHow to Read Apocalyptic LiteratureAndreas Köstenberger
- Babylon Rides the Beastrevelation 17:1–8
- Blame It on BabylonKevin DeYoung
- 23:27The Splendor & Fall of Babylon the GreatW. Robert Godfrey
- Keep Your Eye on the BallDonny Friederichsen
- 28:10The Book of RevelationR.C. Sproul
- 7MINThe Seven Kings of Revelation 17Keith Mathison
- The Reign of Babylonrevelation 17:9–18
- Christ Our Kingrevelation 17:14