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- 4MIN3 Things You Should Know about RevelationDennis Johnson
- 13MINUnderstanding John’s ProphecyKeith Mathison
- 47:54Christ's Message to the ChurchSinclair Ferguson
- 23:45Letters to Ephesus & SmyrnaW. Robert Godfrey
- To the Church In Ephesusrevelation 2:1–7
- The Love You Had at FirstSteffen Mueller
- To the Church At Smyrnarevelation 2:8–11
- 24:24Letters to Pergamum, Thyatira, & SardisW. Robert Godfrey
- To the Church in Pergamumrevelation 2:12–17
- To the Church in Thyatira Irevelation 2:18–23
- To The Church at Thyatira IIrevelation 2:24–29
- 3MINHow to Read Apocalyptic LiteratureAndreas Köstenberger