Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture

The Ability of God

Christians long to be assured that God hears them and is able to meet their deepest needs when they pray. Yet many of us do not rightly understand what prayer is or how we ought to pray. In this introductory lesson, Dr. Charles explains the importance of learning to pray in light of the power and glory of God in the Apostle Paul’s doxology in Ephesians 3:20–21.

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The Nature of God

Resources about the Scriptures as a whole and major themes found in the Bible, including: Bible figures, Bibles, Bible software, biblical interpretation, biblical theology, the covenants, general reference works, the intertestamental period, introduction to the Bible, law and gospel, the Lord’s Prayer, prophecy, redemptive history, and the Ten Commandments.